The National Wildlife Conservation Conference 2024

THEME: Connecting People and the Planet: Exploring Digital Innovations for Wildlife Conservation


The Ministry of Tourism, Wildlife and Antiquities (MTWA) in partnership with NatureUganda, the East African Natural History Society, World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) and Uganda Wildlife Research and Training Institute (UWRTI) have organized a National Wildlife Conservation Conference as part of the World Wildlife day celebrations 2024. The celebrations are organised under a Theme “Connecting People and the Planet: Exploring Digital Innovations for Wildlife Conservation.”   As we strive to achieve universal digital connectivity in wildlife conservation and trade by 2030, this theme highlights the need to ensure digital inclusion for all, involves bridging financial gaps to build equitable access to conservation tools and technologies, strengthening digital capacity-building and considering the impacts on all communities and ecosystems. It also highlights the need to mobilize new commitments to ambitious policy and funding approaches that unite civil society, the technology industry, conservationists and traders toward sustainable adaptation and preservation of nature in this digital age.

Under this theme, “Connecting People and the Planet: Exploring Digital Innovations for Wildlife Conservation.”. the conference aims to raise awareness about the latest applications of digital technologies in wildlife conservation and trade and about the impact of digital interventions on ecosystems and communities around the world while putting light on the bottlenecks in the drive to human-wildlife coexistence, now and for future generations in an increasingly connected world.


  • Share experiences with existing and planned state-of-the-art space technologies and applications that provide solutions for wildlife management (flora and fauna) and for protecting biodiversity, including for biodiversity assessments, ecosystem and wildlife habitat management, wildlife monitoring and tracking, as well as for addressing wildlife crime.
  • Present capacity building opportunities to implement Digital solutions for conservation.
  • Recommend relevant legal and regulatory aspects to be adopted by the country.
  • Identify bottlenecks to harnessing digital solutions for conservation.
  • Create awareness on available technologies and opportunities in wildlife conservation.

Given our involvement in biodiversity conservation and research work, different researchers will be presenting papers on work related to the theme for this year’s celebrations.  The conference will take place at the Uganda Museum on Thursday 22nd February, 2024 in Kampala.

Venue: Uganda Museum

Time: 8:00am – 5:00pm

Conference mode: Physical and Zoom

Presenters and Presentations: See program

Time Activity
0800 – 0900 Arrival & Registration
Session One: Chair – Dr. Robert Kityo, Chairman, NatureUganda
0900 – 0920 Welcome Remarks – Ag. Commissiner Wildlfe Conservation, Ministry of Tourism Wildlife and Antiquities – Mr. George Owoyesigire
0920 – 0950 Opening Remarks – Minister of Tourism Wildlife and Antiquities – Hon. Tom Butime
0950 – 1020 Guest of Honor speech – Minister of ICT and National Guidance – Hon. Dr. Chris Baryomunsi
1020 – 1100 PLENARY: Combating Illegal Wildlife trade and Trafficking – Sam Mwandha, Executive Director, Uganda Wildlife Authority (UWA)
 1100 – 1130 Tea Break
Session Two: Chair – Dr. Panta Kasoma
1130 – 1200 The role of Zoohackthons in Conservation – Dr. James Musinguzi, Executive Director, Uganda Wildlife Education Centre (UWEC)
1200 – 1230 The role of Digital tracking devices: SMART Technologies in Conservation – Ivan Tumuhimbise, Country Director, World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF)
Parallel Presentations: Session Chair – Dr. Mathias Behangana
1230 – 1300 Data analytics and predictive modelling – Dr. Herbert Kasozi, Lecturer of Zoology, Makerere University
Improving the implementation of Conventions by using modern Information and Communication Technologies to simplify compliant trade and to combat illegal trade. A case of Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES): Mr. George Owoyesigire – Ag. Commissioner, Wildlife Conservation (MTWA)
1300 – 1345 PLENARY
1345 – 1445 Lunch Break
Session Three 
Parallel Presentations 1: Session Chair – Mr. John Makombo
1445 – 1515 The Role of molecular labs in Uganda as Digital Innovations for Wildlife Conservation: A case study of the Mweya Molecular Lab – Dr. Margret Driciru, Uganda Wildlife Authority
The role of academic institutions in wildlife conservation research (UWRTI)
1515 – 1530 Using Digital Innovations in tracking illegal wildlife trade: examples showing pros and cons in Uganda – Mr. Patrick Chiyo, Trace network
Parallel Presentations 2: Session Chair – Dr. Akite Perpetra 
1530 – 1630 Local based monitoring: How citizen science contributes to wildlife data generation through modern mobile applications – Jimmy Muheebwa, Director Conservation & Partnerships, NatureUganda
Data sharing and collaboration platforms: Data Sharing best practices in conservation networks – Michael Kibuule, Program Manager, NatureUganda
1630 – 1645 Data Visualization and Analysis Technology: Earth Ranger – Michael Keigwin, Uganda Conservation Foundation
1645 – 1700 PLENARY
1700 – 1730 Closing Remarks – Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Tourism, Wildlife and Antiquities – Mrs Doreen Katusiime
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